Welcome to the Welcome Team Page!

Please  use this page to view any updates and/or reminders that occur. We will also use this site to view the schedule for any necessary trades that may need to occur when you are unable to serve on your weekend.

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms" -1 Peter 4:10

"I have set you an example that you should do as i have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them."-John15-17

******If unable to serve on your weekend, please use the below schedule to contact someone to trade with you.
****** If any permanent schedule changes are needed, please reach out to me (Missy Molkenbur) and i will be happy to make them.

Welcome Team Schedule

Thank you all so much for serving! 
Always remember, we are the first and last smiles seen, so make them big!
First Sunday-
8:30 service-meet at 8:05
Team Lead-Jante Lincicum 618-558-3914
David Munie 618-558-3782
Ron Zobrist 618-830-8346
Ella Embry 618-971-6670
Nic Rutz 214-886-7388
Janelle Baygents 618-979-1672

10:00 service-meet at 9:40
Team Lead-Missy Molkenbur 618-830-3374
Ashley Spier 618-910-9567
Debbie Mans 618-520-0062
Maddie Ellis 618-520-0062
Anna Griesbaum 618-772-3535
Diana Walls-Franklin 618-978-0691

Sandy Fernandez 618-514-4289 (is out of town in March and on call every 3rd weekend)
Second Sunday-

8:30 service-meets at 8:05
Team Lead-Missy Molkenbur 618-830-3374
 Adam Vosholler 618-795-2178
 Reed Baum 618-491-4519
 Marcy Sawyer 281-881-0726
Gale Bolen 618-980-1376

Kevin Moorehead 618-407-0166
Emily Rhoades 217-620-5474
Jake Johnson 701-388-2821

10:00 service-meets at 9:40

Team Lead-Brittany Nash 618-520-7296
Darrell Bradley 618-980-9285
Sam Heil 618-975-2329 (prefers to be at desk)
Matthew Nash 618-335-2204
Shelly White 618-792-8152

Josh Tink 319-504-5361
Allen Lawson 618-567-1101
Pete Babic 618-920-1985
Eva Babic 618-920-3001
Third Sunday

8:30 service-meets at 8:05
Team Lead-
Bill Book 618-975-5945
Marlene Vosholler 618-954-8105
Jerry Vosholler 618-779-3276
Brian Vosholler 618-691-9908
Diane Paul 618-322-4688
Tom Paul 618-322-4688

10:00 service-meets at 9:40

Team Lead-
Missy Molkenbur 618-830-3374
Steve Klingbeil- 618-407-2148
Patty Klingbeil – 618-202-9779
Kim Kloss 618-292-3094

Leah Nanney 618-530-0585
Herchel Austin 618-954-8303
Kelly Austin 618-954-8303

Fourth Sunday

8:30 service-meets at 8:05
Team Lead-Debbie Huff 618-972-1157
 Alice Wehrle 618-541-2210
 Dustin Vosholler 618-772-8723
John Wilhelm 618-671-7000
Connie Lihs 618-567-4983
Doug Cassady 618-579-8175

10:00 service-meets at 9:40

Team Lead-Brittany Nash 618-520-7296
John Wilhelm 618-671-7000
Matthew Nash 618-335-2204
Donna Toombs 618-616-2114
Amber Spier 618-409-2520
Phil Wuebbles- 941-928-4373
Rebecca Dwyer 760-505-9370Fifth Sunday

Fifth  Sunday

8:30 service-meets at 8:05
Team  Lead-Missy Molkenbur 618-830-3374
Adam Vosholler 618-210-0711
Alice Wehrle 618-541-2210
Ella Embry 618-971-6670 check to see if can do both services
10:00 service-meets at 9:40
Team  Lead- Sam Heil 618-975-2329
Jante Lincicum 618-558-3914
Dave Heil 618-975-2329
Missy Molkenbur 618-830-3374
Ella Embry 618-971-6670 check to make sure can do both services

As needed: Debbie Huff 618-972-1157
                        Marcy Sawyer 281-881-0726
                        Kim Kloss 618-292-3094
                        Leah Nanney 618-530-0585
                        Nic Rutz (214-886-7388)
                        Ella Embry 618-971-6670-any service
                        Rebecca Dwyer 760-505-9370-

                         any service just let know ahead of time
                       Shelly White-might be able to-2nd service
                       Sam Heil- might be able to-just ask

Updates and Reminders
  • PLEASE stay at your post at least 10 minutes after service has started AND 10 minutes after service is over to ensure the majority of our guests have been greeted.
  • Please arrive on time and meet at the welcome desk. First service arrival time-8:05/Second service arrival time-9:40
  • Second service greeters make sure you are letting the first service greeters know that you are there to replace them so theres no confusion as to why you are there.
  • Please try to avoid long conversations with people coming in, as this adds congestion to the flow of traffic and we miss opportunities to identify new guests coming in.
  • Try to park at the NICE foundation if you are able so we can make room for our guests. If you turn down walnut st. (one street before motomart) and go all the way down, but before highland home, it is on your left and there should be a golf cart to take you to the church.